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02/17/18 9:24 PM

#152852 RE: pennypauly #152850

I guess it is great if you enjoy fantasies - but OTCM scammers love investors that believe their pumping nonsense - actually they depend on it so they can continue to dump shares.



02/18/18 12:13 AM

#152862 RE: pennypauly #152850

With each passing day,each acquisition ,each jv and each MAP addition $ BVTK grows like a blooming flower reaching full bloom in time like the Chinese bamboo tree that takes 5 yrs of consistent nurturing before breaking through the earth’s surface and quickily grows 90ft in 5 wks,same scenario I do foresee for our dearly beloved $BVTK
When the ignition starts and the engines roar and take off commences,unstoppable will be a wanting description of the phenomenon .So my friends kick back,relax and be patient ,our time is coming the Chinese bamboo tree will spring to life soon enough LEAVE IT TO TC AND DO the trusted men as I see it