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02/17/18 5:24 PM

#33895 RE: Wexworth #33894 is a well known fact, for anyone who has followed this company for more than a year - Mark Smith has made it abundantly clear the he hates dilution as much or more' than anyone! ...we are dealing with a very clever savvy businessman who is looking out for his stockholders and his own 20million shares you can be sure.
He has tipped his hand more than once about securing debt finacing whereever it's possible.

Without writing a book here; allow me to speculate from where these debt-loan funds might come from?:

1) German UFK Program/scheme
2) Nordmin Export Development Canada Program
3) Nilsa Guerrera-Mahon, Nebraska Funding

These are three strong contenders on 'debt finacing'. Let's hypothesize for a moment that between those three
financial instruments - MS is able to secure $400-$500 million debt funding (probably mortgaging the valuable ore materials underground). Two things would happen (in my opinion) we wouldn't require any equity financing immediately, thus giving NIO's PPS time to dramatically rise (which it surely will with $400-$500mil. raised announcement) and/or investment-bankers would be climbing over each other to get in front of the queue waving their investment dollars - yelling ME ME!

P.S. With NioCorp's three high-performance critical materials, all making the US Government's "critical materials" list, has certainly not hurt NioCorp's chances of raising the necessary funding for this Project!


Demolition Man

02/17/18 11:33 PM

#33902 RE: Wexworth #33894

Question?” By the time the first phase is in production, the stock price will be 5-8 bucks” if we break ground in 2018, how far off or years be when we are in first phase of production? Thanks for any and all insight on this? Really looking forward to next week?? good times are ahead for all of us.