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02/17/18 3:23 PM

#34389 RE: ChampionOfTheSun #34370

I'll have to reread my posts, I may have

sounded like I was attacking them but really I just want them to step up their game. I mean come on, their bios on the ubiquitech site are atrocious. I'm out there trying to get newbies to invest here helping get "momentum" going, but that doesn't mean I'm going to post everything is nice with sugar and spice optimism 24/7.

The stuff I mentioned is not old info because it is still happening, and once it has finished or stopped then it will be old.

Pps is not going up or down based on any of my posts so I'm not sure why you are acting like it could. Well, maybe up a little, with getting the word out to other boards. If it goes down, that damn sure won't help my account balance.

It's a long shot, but hopefully someone at the company reads iHub and gets our concerns back to mgmt since they essentially have no IR. And I respectfully disagree with you about not having a right to complain, since I am a shareholder.