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TN Trader

02/16/18 10:49 PM

#460 RE: rebop #459

Hey Bob! Finally glad to see someone here that has the same sentiment as me. I am a little nervous about owning so many shares myself.... Started with a few hundred when the price was $37. Thought this had some momentum, growing sector, etc. Thought it was days away from a "high." Then came the market correction and I bought when it was in the low 30's. I now own 1,000 shares at an average price of $35. I can use my margin account to buy more shares if this thing goes down more but I'm all in here trying to average down. Sold my Apple stock today to relieve the pressure on my account and give me some room to rescue myself from this bleeder. I have recently been using CBD oil for anxiety and some pain from a cycling accident, and I have been keeping up with the industry somewhat. I am at a loss why these stocks are falling other than the newness has worn off. But these are good companies, hand picked for this fund, and I'd have to think at some point when some were down some would be up and a lot of the stocks are tobacco and fertilizer companies too, so we have some diversity. Just at a loss. I know if this thing shoots to $40, which it can, then I have $8,000 more in my bag than I have right now and this ain't money I made trading, this is hard earned money I have invested in a fund I hoped would be conservative enough yet volitile enough to jump up and hold, but not go flat and never come back. Some have said it will take time for this to reach US states but the main holdings are in Canada. My hope is that as confidence in equities improves investors will start buying these kind of stocks again. Wouldn't hurt to have some good news, real news. But I think a big weight pulling this down is the news a couple weeks back about the ETF closing. That scared the crap out of me. I mean, who would buy an ETF that is in danger of shutting down? This has had to affected the prices of the stocks for those buying the stocks through this ETF... Or should I say selling at this point. I think that's what it boils down to, as soon as investor confidence comes back then we will go up again. Investors need confidence that this is a solid industry and commodity moving forward and that this is a real ETF and not one that is in danger of closing down. I really want to go long on this thing, but I'm a little scared right now.


02/18/18 3:00 PM

#471 RE: rebop #459

WHY are all the cannabis stocks down?

From a technical aspect, that was a huge run from December 2017. I was hoping that level could be sustained. We saw the DOW drop with erratic volatility. This did not help our cause.