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02/16/18 9:33 AM

#38798 RE: Captain OnThe Bridge #38796

expect the others to follow...DISMISSED!!!!!


02/16/18 10:16 AM

#38801 RE: Captain OnThe Bridge #38796

$RMRK Most frivolous lawsuits end up getting dismissed so they don't waist the court's time. I'm sure the Pomerantz firm investigated and came up empty as expected. Like Randy said, expect more to follow their lead as the 02/20/17 motion for lead plaintiff deadline fast approaches. Below is a post from yesterday.
As far as the timing of RMRK financials being released, I would think timing is better after the 2/20 deadline.

$RMRK It appears that Pomerantz was the first firm to file a class action lawsuit against CRCW and also the first to voluntarily dismiss the case. Looks like they made the same mistake as others and didn't edit their copy & paste on their first attempted PR, see links below where they clearly copy & pasted from a previous case. Lol
1st mention of lawsuit:

Correction to the 1st mention of lawsuit:

At least they got it right for the Dismissal:;_ylc=X1MDMTE5Nzc4NDE4NQRfZXgDMQRfeXJpZAM3ZnQ5N2M1ZDhiaGcxBGcDZFhWcFpEeHVjejQzWlRoaVlXVTRZUzB6WWpNMExUTXlORGd0T1RjMU15MHdOakppT1dRell6aGhZeloxZFdsa1BHNXpQa05TUTFjPQ0KBGxhbmcDZW4tVVMEb3JpZ19sYW5nA2VuBG9yaWdfcmVnaW9uA1VTBHBvcwMwBHJlZ2lvbgNVUwRzeW1ib2wDQ1JDVw--?.tsrc=applewf
HILARIOUS....I missed that one on Yahoo...good find
randy218 on 2/15/2018 1:15:08 PM


02/16/18 10:19 AM

#38803 RE: Captain OnThe Bridge #38796

To have these dismissed before fully reporting status arrives is hugely positive for both CRCW & RMRK.

That's why I am speculating here and adding more. The fact that these guys got this dismissed says a lot.

There is no doubt in my mind that some heavy hitters have moved in at bid support, legal defense, corporate development and deep pockets to relaunch with a veangance. Significant work is being done behind the scenes.

The big money is pouring into the #Cryptocurrency space.

This is fact.

According to BitInfoCharts, a mysterious buyer with a Bitcoin address of 3Cbq7aT1tY8kMxWLbitaG7yT6bPbKChq64 purchased an astronomical amount of bitcoins worth $344,000,000 at a blended cost basis around $8,400 from 02-09-18 through 02-12-18. In total, this Bitcoin whale doubled down adding nearly 41,000 coins for a new total of 96,000 coins worth somewhere around $900,000,000 at today’s price ($9,400).

The CRCW/RMRK build out continues unabated with these lawsuits dismissed.

IMO Extremely Bullish for RMRK