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02/15/18 9:07 PM

#449704 RE: Clutch29 #449702

Both in same boat. I haven't taken the time to compare P/E ratios, if gov wasn't stealing all their profits

contrarian bull

02/16/18 9:49 AM

#449744 RE: Clutch29 #449702

I think the only reason Freddie took a smaller draw was that they both were allowed to retain $3B back in December - and because Freddie is a smaller company their losses were smaller so that buffer almost covered it.

That said - lately I'm feeling the numbers are better for Freddie. That $3B buffer when replenished will represent more per share.

Historically freddie trades just a little lower than fannie on a per share basis.

So many proclaim fannie to be the better investment of the two GSE but ive been fmcc since day one and the lower draw I feel leaves it more credble to taxpayers. Im pretty sure freddie was the dominant one before 2008 unless I can be proven wrong but I seem to remember their stock price being higher