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02/14/18 10:30 PM

#9981 RE: ipiros #9980

Looks like CDEL was able to get rid of all the stock given and/or purchased during the last flood. Get ready for long periods of no volume and $.0001, your millionaire investor has departed


02/19/18 12:36 PM

#10006 RE: ipiros #9980

Ipiros, I've not read the rest of this boards postings(I'm doing that now, deciding if this is worth my investing). I found this: (quoting)

Definition of Schedule 13G What is a "schedule 13G" filing? Why would an investor be required to file a "schedule 13G"? What is the difference between a "13G" filing and a "13D" filing?

-- Dictionary definition - finance term - Schedule 13G --A "schedule 13G" filing is reserved for "passive investors", or those who do not intend to "exert control" in a company.

Schedule 13D filings are reserved for people or companies who may be interested in agitating for some kind of a change at the company, whereas "passive investors" are just that - passive.

If a stake is greater than 20% of the company, or if the shareholder intends to take on a more activist role, then a Schedule 13D must be filed.

So Gone?? Not until I hear it Officially. What am I missing??