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02/14/18 10:46 PM

#332 RE: TheMonolith #331

We'll see if we can settle in here, but looks really positive that so far the volume we've seen the past 9 days and to be at $5.70 is damn impressive. The past 9 days we've seen money flowing through this company like NEVER before.


02/28/18 10:45 AM

#334 RE: TheMonolith #331

Can Covalon turn back up and rally from here? Looks like there's a chance. Otherwise, I would love to see it continue to stay above $5, and staying above $5.50 is a great thing.

Covalon's growth in the US is exciting. Sounds like the acquisition target is in the US. to help accelerate growth even more.

I can see 2019 being an amazing year for Covalon after another great foundation laying year in 2018 in multiple countries and SKU's.

I'm personally down to my "free" long term shares and can be very patient. Covalon has probably been my most patient hold in my 20+ years of investing.