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02/13/18 3:10 PM

#7819 RE: Knowntobe #7818

contact the law verify a post on ihub by gonefisheng. lol. No Thank you

Its very simple. Contact law enforcement and they will verify that these posts are fake.......

too funny my point is CEO is no good at business and full of shit like people who say bitcoin mining is cool. PERL may make a technical run some day. Slept through the last pop.. take care sweetheart Zena


02/13/18 10:02 PM

#7822 RE: Knowntobe #7818

sorry re read your post when i had more time

Its very simple. Contact law enforcement and they will verify that these posts are fake as there is criminal and civil action against the purp. Its also easy to check company records and see if any of the people mentioned were ever involved in the company, and the answer is no.

I know for a fact that the float is that low. Its not hard to go back through the filings and check. I suggest you look at the real DD and not this fabricated sh*t designed to drive the SP down.

Only my opinion based on solid DD

So the image and article are potentially faked by the purp to drop the PPS. But the bitcoin shop may be real.> Alright then, mods can delete my other posts TY