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02/13/18 3:22 PM

#324529 RE: hutschi #324527

“We are delighted to partner our lead compound lefitolimod with ONCOLOGIE. Their approach of an innovative biomarker-driven development strategy for novel cancer immunotherapies has convinced us that partnering with them will expand the opportunities for success of lefitolimod. With the combined licencing and co-development deal for our flagship compound lefitolimod we have achieved one of the main milestones in implementing our strategy. In ONCOLOGIE we have found a partner with a highly dedicated and experienced international team who will not only drive lefitolimod development in China to achieve market approval but will also strongly support our global development efforts. Together we will strive to unleash lefitolimod’s full market potential in China and on a global level”, said Dr Mariola Soehngen, Chief Executive Officer of MOLOGEN.

“We are happy to partner with MOLOGEN on lefitolimod, a best-in-class TLR9 agonist with exciting potential. This program complements ONCOLOGIE’s strategy for biomarker-driven global development and has multiple opportunities for treating indications prevalent in the Asian market”, said Dr Laura Benjamin, Chief Executive Officer of ONCOLOGIE.

As previously announced, MOLOGEN had started negotiations on such a deal with the Chinese iPharma. After a certain exclusivity period had expired, MOLOGEN opened the licencing process also for additional parties.

The more one reads this "innovative biomarker-driven development strategy for novel cancer immunotherapies.." it is clear, how important Biomarkers really are to a BPs pipeline, especially when the FDA is set to approve Biomarkers for IO

I think it is about time for a letter to shareholders with many details and reasoning why Peregrine, now CDMO took this route ....

"Together we will strive to unleash lefitolimod’s full market potential in China and on a global level”, said Dr Mariola Soehngen, Chief Executive Officer of MOLOGEN. "

If CEO Roger never said "residual value .._" etc and then went public saying there were strategic reasons why the Oncologie deal was constructed and occurred the way it did, because it was key to the Oncologie deal with Mologen....etc, then MAYBE many would understand but the way things went down, residual value ...etc then to hear how important Biomarkers are to Oncologie, is basically setting this company up for more disgruntled shareholder emails and letters asking more and more questions ....