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02/13/18 10:37 AM

#39026 RE: Crazy Money #38985

If you have been around pennies long enough, you should know that MM's can and do manipulate the market by affecting people's emotions. You will see that I am not the only one who understands this. I am not that good at reading L2, but I have friends who clearly see the manipulation. MM's trade among themselves often trading shares they do not have, thus creating their short positions. They know the market. They have since pink sheets were created. There have been trading signals i.e.: "I need shares" etc. This is fact, not fiction. Think about it, a client wants XYZ stock at .003. You don't have the shares,but you execute the trade nonetheless because you know as a MM that nothing is coming down for now. So how do you make money? If you could buy back those shares at .002 you made a 33% profit. How do you buy back at .002? You make trades with yourself or a cooperating MM at .002. Holders panic and start to sell. Price comes down and you cover. It's done every day. JMHO

The Old Owl