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Crazy Money

02/12/18 6:12 PM

#151864 RE: Crazy Money #151862 :-)

maybe he deleted it, not sure... BVTK


02/12/18 6:22 PM

#151867 RE: Crazy Money #151862

Proof Nitwit?


02/12/18 7:44 PM

#151887 RE: Crazy Money #151862

Same way the oracle of Omaha laughed at Amazon and Google,I will readily take that kind of laughter any day from anybody or everybody and end up like the aforementioned concerns.
People sometimes have difficulty embracing novelty no matter how highly placed or rergarded for the simple fact that they haven't seen it before---
this is exactly where the early adopters make a killing.

Like DO said and I have been saying for the longest,the pps gyrations are of absolutely no concern to me as the honorable lord admiral has consistently and vehemently objected to any suggestions of a RS,therefore the ups and downs of the pps represent great buying opps for those of us who believe in Tom and believe in the process and in recognition of the fact that we have huge revenue streams that will easily take care of any pps and os concerns as I see it----thus the reason Tom declared that the equity investors are not at all worried about the pps as they are armed with NDA'S


02/12/18 10:24 PM

#151916 RE: Crazy Money #151862

That's Ok. He'll regret it one day. $BVTK


02/13/18 12:13 AM

#151925 RE: Crazy Money #151862

Lots of people laugh at Cramer too....