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02/11/18 4:04 PM

#5739 RE: Cyosol #5737

This is the scientific reality. Very small float an even smaller given the
entities that own the lions share are the first in and the insiders
here for big pay day. Upside is staggering.


02/11/18 5:28 PM

#5740 RE: Cyosol #5737

Cyosol if you really want to have fun take any specific term that has anything to do with the brain or its processes or mechanisms and google it with "bryostain". I've got dozens of these papers book marked. I do it with the other drug companies when they think they have something unique as well. Normally you find out bryostatin creates the response the other company is banking on, and that's besides the other dozen things bryostatin does as well. It's incredible really. When they say its multi-modal, they aren't kidding.