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Dr PennyStock

02/09/18 3:55 PM

#69087 RE: dontpumpme #69085

Soon you will feel the same the ones that sold at .02 and .03 felt, when they were thinking they were doing a great thing.

When RXMD hits .10 - .15 or even .20...... it will be too late.

Jimmy Quick

02/09/18 3:57 PM

#69088 RE: dontpumpme #69085

Sorry there is no bag here, it's just small fluctuations. We are so undervalued that no one down here is bag holders, plain and simple. Sorry if you feel that way, but if you truly believe that you haven't done a just amount of DD or given it enough time even. You say 2 weeks, I have been here 2 1/2 years. Lol


02/09/18 3:57 PM

#69090 RE: dontpumpme #69085

Selling here for $200.00...why??

Jimmy Quick

02/09/18 4:00 PM

#69093 RE: dontpumpme #69085

To answer question, NO not having trouble with partial fills, because no one else is selling here. You really have to learn to trust this board. It's unlike any other on OTC, and this is an OTCQB stock with 20 million NET Revenues at .03s. Lol


02/09/18 4:01 PM

#69094 RE: dontpumpme #69085

You should be holding for another 2 years buddy.