That's one point of view and I wouldn't blame anyone for taking that position. But there is still some hope in that they do have offices in Chicago answering Ladybug resources. If we get "any" confirmation of movement it will take a lot of the guesswork out. Can't sell anyway so might as well take a positive attitude.
Spot on. There is no more sugar coating this turd. We are all bag holders because Frack is worthless. I appreciate everyone on this board but there is no other way to spin this but we have a complete incompetent CEO that fed a lot of good people on this board bad info. At some point we all have to realize this is lost money. We can try to spin it any way you would like to be positive but this is beyond gone for the foreseeable future. The only option is to hold so I get that take but really we have nothing left to do but hope and wait! Good luck fellow ladybuggers . That’s all we can wish for is some luck