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02/09/18 11:40 AM

#294970 RE: Truenorth2016 #294950

Cuz you have Vanis that’s how. Like I said, good luck to all but the old miners know what’s up.


02/12/18 9:55 AM

#295620 RE: Truenorth2016 #294950

If you do just a little DD, you'll see that Vanis is nothing but a con artist.

What happened to "Coffee Boost?" Nothing, gone...Can't buy it anywhere

What happened to "Vitamin Fizz?" Nothing, gone...Can't buy it anywhere...Do you know why? He's just a con artist.

Wait, we have just just purchased "Yo Gabba Gabba" ok, what happened to that? That's right, another nothing.

Next came the massive A/S increased.

A few months later came the R/S

Then he cons an investor who trusted him (as many of us did) into lending him thousands of dollars and guess what, Vanis vanished; disappears, gone.

Oh, and I could go on and on but I won't. Let me just advise you to be very careful when dealing with Scott Vanis, aka Vanished...

btw, I think Scott started off with the right intentions but has no clue as to what he's doing. After things went so terribly south, he started lying and manipulating people..