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02/09/18 3:33 PM

#4282 RE: Pooky bear #4280

Agreed. The results from the 2017 drill program seem to be better than the 1979-1981 drill results that set the stage we now stand upon.

The assay results seem to exceed the targeted expectations.

The relationship with Glencore and claw-back clause. Something only LiCo has as far as seems known in Canada

The size of the properties for Gb/Tdyne, almost 670 hectare.

Multiple projects and locations all aligned to a common theme

This remains undervalued because its relatively still unknown. There is a Cobalt storm coming and when the 2018 drill program starts to deliver there will be a match of product and timing.

There may very well be a day in 2018 when a news release reflects Glencores partnership to Lico, and on that day this wont be under the radar anymore and the valuation will explode.