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02/06/18 11:24 PM

#36434 RE: Skyline2012 #36433

Ihsi teaming up with bvtk has opened doors and there are good things coming here. it might take a bit but tom from bvtk has the connections to make things happen.
tom is the one that set some of the rules when he was with homeland security here are a couple of articles to read on this

now bvtk is on sewp witch means we can sub from them on government contracts,spl1t,68&ACTION=FIND

what is sewp

so with all this yes the doors are open for ihsi

this is all just my opinion on the matter

na na

02/06/18 11:54 PM

#36435 RE: Skyline2012 #36433

Tom needs to negotiate a deal that would benefit both the note holders and share holders.

Offer some BVTK & IHSI shares,and cash to pay back the notes for instance.

Tom could have his equity investors buy up the Shares while they're at 0.0001.

If they retire the shares & notes then the equity investors would make a killing along with the note holders who would still own some shares.