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02/02/18 6:19 PM

#400003 RE: Tool_power #400002

But not one of them attempted to undermine the authority of the enforcement arm of the Dept of Justice.

Hillary Clinton subjected herself to testimony and investigation over her emails and Benghazi (and was exonerated of having committed any crimes in either), she did not try to defend herself by saying that the FBI was conspiring against her.

Bill Clinton allowed himself to be interviewed by Ken Starr when he was ludicrously charged with the "crime" of a dalliance with Monica. He didn't use Ken Starr's obvious partisanship as a defense.

The Democrats chose not to pursue charges of war crimes against W, Cheney, and Rumsfield because, considering the good of the country, they thought it would be too divisive, even though all three were guilty of that and of lying to the country about WMDs (and then ultimately tanking the economy).

In my original post, I said that whatever the outcome of the dilemma we are now faced with will bode ill for the country. Donald Trump and every one of the minority of voters who voted for him has put us in a sh*thole of a position, regardless of the outcome.

I know you won't change your mind, but you (and Katfish) can't win this argument.