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Actual Grower

02/21/18 10:09 PM

#836 RE: WrongBadGuy #835

For anyone wanting the real truth about John, and how the new management team and tenant is now yielding only 100-200 lbs per month in 90,000 sq ft of greenhouse?

Please realize that Otto is John's personal attorney, and most indoor hobby growers have already forgotten more about growing cannabis then Otto will ever learn.

If you are an investors you probably won't find it funny if you go down and visit the greenhouse today, and then look at pictures of the greenhouse previously for both SunCanna, and then this summer for both Amerijuana and Quality Choice. The greenhouse is now producing about 10%-20% of what it did previously.

I am one of the parties actually mentioned in Otto's "fictional" story below. The truth is that I have never been paid a dime for any consulting with Quality Choice. I also haven't been in the greenhouse since August of 2017. The only occasional interaction I have had with Quality Choice is/has been done for FREE, because I feel so terrible for ever introducing them to John McKowen.

I think people should also call Quality Choice directly and ask them why things blew up between John McKowen who is/was president of GrowCo? Ask them why they refused to "partner" with John and a family member of his (because John is barred from ownership with the MED)?

I think what investors should be asking is how/where did the $20 million that John testified was raised by him go? It appears that there is only 1 greenhouse actually complete, with a 2nd greenhouse only 1/2 paid for and why construction has been stopped on it for more than a year. If you do the simple math - it would appear that only $9mm to $10mm was spent on construction?