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02/02/18 7:46 PM

#276875 RE: fuagf #276841

Trump’s Brazen War on the FBI Defies History

"Part 134, some of Russian meddling..."

Trump, Attorney General Jeff Session, and FBI Director Christopher Wray. AP Photo/Evan Vucci

The president is attacking one of the government's most conservative institutions—and the Republicans have his back.
By Jeet Heer
February 3, 2018

In announcing the release of a declassified four-page memo prepared by the House Intelligence Committee, which he chairs, Representative Devin Nunes said, “The committee has discovered serious violations of the public trust, and the American people have a right to know when officials in crucial institutions are abusing their authority for political purposes. Our intelligence and law enforcement agencies exist to defend the American people, not to be exploited to target one group on behalf of another.”

As The New Republic’s Matt Ford explains, the memo does not support Nunes’s allegations, let alone justify the hype that preceded it from Fox News and other right-wing outlets. But its release on Friday is still an important event: the latest skirmish in the war that Trump and his allies in Congress are waging against the FBI.

FBI Director Christopher Wray had told the White House he opposed making the memo public, and the FBI released a statement saying it has “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.” But Trump had other ideas. Early Friday morning, he tweeted an attack on the FBI and the Department of Justice:

Donald J. Trump
The top Leadership and Investigators of the FBI and the Justice
Department have politicized the sacred investigative process in
favor of Democrats and against Republicans - something which
would have been unthinkable just a short time ago. Rank & File
are great people!
10:33 PM - Feb 2, 2018

Hours later, Trump revealed that he had approved the memo’s release, saying, “I think it’s a disgrace what’s going on in this country.”

[Wrong on the FBI, but, on it's own, Donald, right on the quote just above. Your venal attacks on all institutions which have been paramount in creating American greatness, before you, are a disgrace. Your incivility to anyone who disagrees with you is a disgrace.Your dishonesty is a disgrace. Your attack on the integrity of long-term and widely respected career F,B.I. people is more of your generally disgraceful behavior.]


Trump claims the FBI has “politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of Democrats and against Republicans,” but historically, the FBI has been a very conservative, and often reactionary, institution. The first and longest-serving head of the agency, J. Edgar Hoover, was notorious for his right-wing politics, often using the agency to target Civil Rights leaders like Martin Luther King and other political radicals. The FBI reformed itself, but remains conservative in orientation. Every non-interim director of the agency has been a Republican, even those appointed by Democratic presidents.

As the HuffPost notes, “The key law enforcement figures in what President Donald Trump and his allies have characterized as a ‘deep state’ conspiracy against him are not lefties or even Democrats: They are Republicans. And Trump picked a number of them himself.” Special counsel Robert Mueller, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and current FBI head Christopher Wray are all Republicans. Former FBI Director James Comey was a Republican until a few years ago.

With links ..

See also:

At least one Republican gets it right: Ole John McCain

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02/03/18 12:25 AM

#276879 RE: fuagf #276841

Part 135, some of Russian meddling, and related, material from F6 big ones. These from Thursday, 02/01/18,
headed, Background Briefing Previewing the President’s Address to the World Economic Forum

Into the second third these four

Tribe: Trump firing Mueller would be a “crime"
The Beat with Ari Melber
Trump returns to U.S. amid bombshell report he tried to fire Mueller. Harvard Constitutional Law Professor
Laurence Tribe on why that firing would be a “crime” and whether Trump could now be indicted for obstructing justice.


The timeline: Trump ordering Mueller fired
The Beat with Ari Melber
Trump reportedly tried to fire Mueller in June 2017. Ari Melber breaks down the significance
of this month in the Russia investigation, and the timeline leading up to it.


Why the right turned on Mueller as probe heated up
The Beat with Ari Melber
The New York Times is reporting Trump tried to fire Mueller in June, the same month right
wing conservative media and Republican lawmakers ramped up attacks on the Special Counsel.


The Nixon precedent that could undo the Trump presidency

The Beat with Ari Melber
Ari Melber’s special report breaks down one court case that stops Trump from firing Mueller.
©2018 , [with comments]

Late in the first half these two

Trump calls report he ordered Mueller fired 'fake news'
All In with Chris Hayes
President Trump gave a classic Trumpian non-denial to the New York Times’ blockbuster report that he ordered Mueller to be fired last June.


Fox News flummoxed by Trump-Mueller story

All In with Chris Hayes
In 24 hours, Trump TV goes from claiming the story is false, to saying maybe
it's true, to telling viewers not to worry about it, back to actually it's false.
©2018 , [with comments]

Skip one to another Trump claim which Mueller surely has noted before now

Trump: I have one of the great memories of all time. Or do I?

All In with Chris Hayes
A funny thing happens whenever Trump gets in front of a lawyer, as he might
have to do with Mueller and his team - his great memory suddenly fails.
©2018 , [with comments]

Skip one to these five

Mueller vulnerable to Trump, Republicans

The Rachel Maddow Show
Neal Katyal, former acting solicitor general who wrote the special counsel rules, talks with Joy Reid about
the vulnerabilities of the special counsel to smears and sabotage by Donald Trump and Republicans.
©2018 , [with comments]


Senators rush to protect Mueller from Trump with new law
The Rachel Maddow Show
Senator Cory Booker talks with Joy Reid about his concerns about Donald Trump's threat to special
counsel Robert Mueller's investigation and legislation he has proposed to protect Mueller from Trump.


Can a sitting president be indicted?
The Rachel Maddow Show
Nick Akerman, former Watergate prosecutor, talks with Joy Reid about the peculiar
and nearly untested legal liabilities of the president of the United States.


Trump's golf fee problem bigger than Mueller
The Rachel Maddow Show
Joy Reid points out that while Donald Trump's dubious accusation that Robert Mueller is biased against him because of a years-old
golf fee dispute is being debunked, Trump was actually ordered by a court to refund millions to members of one of his courses.


Fishy Trump golf funding likely to be probed
The Rachel Maddow Show
Joy Reid reports on the hundreds of millions of dollars in cash invested in Donald Trump's golf courses and notes
that Eric Trump once explained that the source for that money was Russia, though his remarks were later denied.

Skip a couple to these four

“Fire & Fury” author Michael Wolff: Mueller became an “obsession” for Trump

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
Michael Wolff, the author of “Fire & Fury,” tells Lawrence that Mueller became an obsession for Trump in summer of 2017. Lawrence also asks Wolff
about a reporter asking Nikki Haley about the President and an affair. Wolff joins Lawrence for his first interview since the new Mueller story broke.
©2018 , [with comments]

Make that a must watch due to Wolff's explanation of how it may be difficult for Mueller
to prove intent. As Trump is willy-nilly saying he's gonna fire people continuously.


Will Republicans stop Trump from firing Mueller?
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) is on one of the committees investigating the Trump campaign and Russia and he worries
that Republicans are trying to attack Mueller instead of trying to conduct a thorough investigation. Rep. Schiff joins Lawrence.


Trump returns from Davos to a growing Russia controversy

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
Back from the glitz and glamour of the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, Pres. Trump returns to a Washington obsessed with
reports that he ordered Robert Mueller fired last June only backing down when White House Counsel Don McGahn threatened to quit.
[originally aired January 26, 2018] , [with comments]


How worried is GOP about Trump? It's an '11 out of 10'

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
We talk to our panel of political reporters to get a sense of how worried Republicans in DC are about
the chaos in the Trump White House with Russia looming and the State of the Union just days away.
[originally aired January 26, 2018] , [with comments]

To "stashed January 26, 2018:"

How Trump Built an Obstruction of Justice Case Against Himself
The president’s pattern of behavior may be enough to surmount the high legal threshold for proving that he sought to stifle the special counsel’s investigation.

Mueller mania and midterm madness

Trump’s Efforts to Oust Mueller Show the ‘Cancer’ on This Presidency

The Daily 202: Five takeaways from Trump’s thwarted effort to fire Mueller

Trump denies he called for Mueller's firing
The call for Mueller's firing came just a month after Trump fired former FBI Director James Comey
Trump denied on Friday that he'd moved to fire Mueller

Watch ‘Fox & Friends’ Struggle With News That Trump Tried To Fire Mueller
“Do ya even care?”


The Russia threat is real -- and it matters
[Add excerpt here:
"We never saw this during the Cold War. Back then, there were some rules, some decorum... Now, all decorum
has been cast aside," Lavrov told Russian daily Kommersant in an interview published on January 21.]

[Decorum and Trump don't exactly sit together well.]

The Dutch were a secret U.S. ally in war against Russian hackers, local media reveal

Dutch intelligence agency spied on Russian hacking group: media

Dutch security service hackers monitored Russian interference in US: media

Release the Dutch Evidence of the DNC Hack
If the Dutch intelligence service watched the Russians breach the Democratic National Committee, there's no more reason to hide the evidence.


Russian Agents Organized 129 U.S. Election Events Via Facebook
More than 62,000 Americans said they would attend the events.

Key Republican Dials Back Effort to Protect Robert Mueller From Donald Trump
Sen. Thom Tillis was one of the first Republicans to try to save the special counsel. Now he says his bill isn’t urgent, even after news Trump tried to fire Mueller.
