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02/01/18 5:12 PM

#15114 RE: skichic #15112

I dont see us being bought at over $1 pps because we are sub penny. I would expect a penny or 2 per share. We would then probably do a share exchange on that ratio based on the pps of the merging company. The more you have the more you end up with which is why I bought more today (especially at 0.0028 and 0.0027). Any conversion down would exchange your shares for the same dollar amount but not same share count. Someone who only has a couple thousand shares might be effected but anyone with a large block would make out because the price almost always sees a bounce after a merger then it will settle back down. In the case of UATG I would think the price will go up and then drop drastically once all the pink flippers sell their positions. It is almost certain that the company has taken this into consideration and maybe even counted on it (to remove as much toxic equity as possible). Once selling settles down I would think they would make a significant announcement that would push the price upward. This would keep much of the shorters and short minded out of the stock which will help all the long term investors.

If I had to blindly guess I am thinking the merging company is probably trading at $10/share to give them room for when the pps drops during the pinks sell off. If its a merger with an IPO then I would wager the company would go public around the same price or higher for the same reasons.

Not taking into consideration any current revenue, UATG based on its assets alone and the current o/s is worth probably 0.07 pps. If its a merger with an existing QB or QX company UATG will probably negotiate from a premium of that number down and the merging company will negotiate from our current price up which will probably land us somewhere under 0.05. Its difficult to guess all this but realistically I would bank on a conservative number like being bought for under 0.03 just to play it safe.

If its an ipo merger its anyones guess but the price will most likely be higher but end up about the same after conversion. Either way, big blocks make money. Thats what I am hoping for which is why I bought a lot more