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02/05/18 12:41 PM

#8306 RE: ahab333 #8283

I think I have given proof. For two years I have posted "the script" used, the connections between Norchi and Dhillon. I'm afraid I can never convince some people (which isn't my intent anyhow) because they are so invested in this stock emotionally and financially they want it to be a good stock sooooo bad that they don't listen when posts go against what they want to believe. It really takes very little DD to see this stock is a scam. AND about todays press release -what a carrot. Publish the same article you published over a year ago. This is not a new press release nor is it releasing any new information. It was put out there to continue to garner interest in a product that will never be produced. It's more Norchi vague talk. "As soon as possible". Re-releasing results for an old clinical study seems pretty proof positive that not a gosh darn thing has been done in that company for a year that warrants ANY new news. Really? It's a carrot. Big fat carrot and it's once again straight from the Dhillon playbook. The historical and current share price of the stock should be proof positive itself that this is a scam. They do not have the money to bring this product to market and I'm sorry but AC5 is not the only play in the hemostatic market. Just look at the other companies that Dillon is involved with and read some of the press releases and time lines and promises of a product to market by dates that come and go. Correlate share price with the carrot news each time. I said a week ago that this stock would go back up because of some news, but when it falls each time from now on, the falls will be fast and furious.