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02/01/18 10:12 AM

#43828 RE: redspinelpinktopaz #43827

I mean the optimistic view is that they are going to push a PR when they get back from all their trips and just have not yet but i am anxious for sure. My 30 Bday tomorrow and good news be the best gift I could ask for :D lol
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02/01/18 11:09 AM

#43835 RE: redspinelpinktopaz #43827

It seems like I have been in this stock forever. Oh, Happy Birthday to the birthday boy, or girl, or one of the many genders we now have in this country, if you see this. One thing I have learned from the management here is that they do overstate everything,and they have problems with estimating how long a project will take. I wonder how their wives feel about that? Years ago they thought they could build the pilot plant from scratch in 6-7 months. It was more like 2 years, I didn't check facts on that so I could be off. Just an estimate. This is my main concern now, they don't seem able to get their minds around just how big of a project all this is. It will take a very large facility and many people to build these units, lots of units. I assume they know this, but based on past performance, I'm hopeful, but not so sure. I would like to hear something about manufacturing just to let us know they are thinking about it. The operative word here is patience. At 30 there is time, unless N. Korea sends a rocket our way. I was told that DEF has the same chemical composition as cow urine, just in more concentrated form. I drove truck for 30 plus years and retired, and thanks in part to CCTC I'm back at it. Anyone fall asleep reading this yet? Pain is over, I'm done.
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White Coal

02/01/18 1:54 PM

#43839 RE: redspinelpinktopaz #43827

Red. Can you please share specifics? What Jan this Jan that are you referring to?

I may be able to help.

Here's what Eves said during the last call (transcript provided by JamesE)

"Thank you Aiden very much. Thank you all for attending the call. As Aiden said the testing in now complete. The plant actually is being, I guess, mothballed and ready for the move to Wyoming which will take place probably end of January. It takes about 4 weeks in January after the holiday period to get all the skids mounted on trucks.
So, we expect to be in Wyoming maybe the first week, second week of February and then probably about four, five, maybe six weeks to set it up and put all of the Kiewit additions on it and then we'll be, as Aiden said, able to start testing Indian coal ready to move forward with commercial plants there. The first quarter of 2018 should be definitive time in the history of the company and we look forward to updating you all at the shareholders meeting in March. I wish you all a very Happy Holidays and a healthy and prosperous New Year. Thank you."

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Cartman 3_16

02/01/18 2:42 PM

#43849 RE: redspinelpinktopaz #43827

There was a time they were talking about January. But more recently, at the webcast, they established mid-February as the timeline for being moved and end of March for being operational. Although I am skeptical either will be met.