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01/31/18 9:29 PM

#56785 RE: alanthill #56784

Welcome back Alan. C'mon back to the Long side.


01/31/18 9:34 PM

#56786 RE: alanthill #56784

Actually it all depends on how you invest and why you are investing. If you are using averages and understand the bigger picture of the industry, the potential, the technology and realistic time frames then what has effectively been day trading volatility has created some fantastic opportunities to average in and create bigger positions, as some of these bigger investors are actually doing. For these people the game is well and truly still in play and they do not look on a day to day swing as relevant to their strategy. For sure there are some people who went in big too early 4 years ago and they haven't had much fun, there will equally be people who loaded up in the 1.40's and sold into spikes at 4.

My point is that it is pretty obvious that this is a dynamic, developing story and all balls are still in play. For those with positive mindsets about Sigma's future involvement and an understanding of time frame's the lower pps has led to some great advantages. I for one am 'tickled pink' i don't have to pay over inflated prices for something i believe is going to grow into a solid market cap over the next few years.

Each to their own