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02/01/18 1:16 PM

#3965 RE: rrojarom #3956

For anyone curious about the conversion, 1 Thai baht = about $0.031887 USD. 5-8 bil Thai Baht = $160 mil to $255 mil USD.

I own 1200 shares. Smh. Disbelief. Gratitude.

Thank you, WB for convincing me to get those shares.

Wooden Indian

03/18/18 4:46 PM

#3999 RE: rrojarom #3956

June 29, 2017 KUALA LUMPUR — Pioneer mobile virtual network aggregator Enabling Asia Tech Sdn Bhd (EA) will be expanding to new markets in Philippines and Myanmar next year, working towards its goal of capturing the Asean market by 2020.
“We strive to continue our progress and hopefully capture the Asean market by 2020, to achieve the tall but realistic goal of ‘one region, one brand’,” co-founder and group chief executive officer Loke Yee Siong told Malay Mail in an exclusive interview recently.
Loke said by going international, EA has entered into a five-year platform service partnership agreement with Oasis Systems from Australia.
“In our commitment to upholding our transformation philosophy of ‘Enabling future. Edging Asia’, we at EA are optimistic about our future growth in the region,” he said.
In May 2013, EA launched Buzzme as its first mobile virtual network operator (MVNO), and Buzzme remains as EA’s in-house MVNO.
Buzzme is a telecommunication service provider that aims to deliver the most innovative mobile services in Malaysia.

Hey, guys, just fun to reread stuff and keep excited about our super investment. I'm really stoked about what is happening.