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10/05/06 5:07 PM

#48015 RE: rollingrock #48014

You must be right - all the pages from 1995 through 2006 conspired to dupe this poor innocent 52 year old


10/05/06 5:14 PM

#48017 RE: rollingrock #48014

LOL! Yeah,... sure....

I think a whole group of people need to grow some synaptic vesicles.


10/05/06 5:18 PM

#48019 RE: rollingrock #48014

You've been listening to Rush again eh?


10/05/06 5:21 PM

#48020 RE: rollingrock #48014

I'm sure you are absolutely correct, but for myself, I'll follow Hastert:

Hastert hangs on in Republican scandal
Thursday 05 October 2006, 23:05 Makka Time, 20:05 GMT
Hastert hangs on in Republican scandal

Hastert is under pressure ahead of congressional elections

The leader of the US house of representatives has taken responsibility for the unfolding Republican sex scandal, as an ethics panel announced an investigation into the handling of the situation. [snipped]

You can read the rest here:

Hmmm, check that source -- must be a Democrat plot.


10/06/06 2:03 AM

#48060 RE: rollingrock #48014

RR, this is to follow up on Drudge's allegation of a prank.

Three More Former Pages Accuse Foley of Online Sexual Approaches
October 05, 2006 5:20 PM

Brian Ross, Rhonda Schwartz & Maddy Sauer Report:

Three more former congressional pages have come forward to reveal what they call "sexual approaches" over the Internet from former Congressman Mark Foley.

The pages served in the classes of 1998, 2000 and 2002. They independently approached ABC News after the Foley resignation through the Brian Ross & the Investigative Team's tip line on None wanted their names used because of the sensitive nature of the communications.

"I was seventeen years old and just returned to [my home state] when Foley began to e-mail me, asking if I had ever seen my page roommates naked and how big their penises were," said the page in the 2002 class.

The former page also said Foley told him that if he happened to be in Washington, D.C., he could stay at Foley's home if he "would engage in oral sex" with Foley.

The page told ABC News he was interviewed this week by FBI agents who had a six-page list of questions about Foley and the exchanges.

The second page who talked with ABC News, a graduate of the 2000 page class, says Foley actually visited the old page dorm and offered rides to events in his BMW.

"His e-mails developed into sexually explicit conversations, and he asked me for photographs of my erect penis," the former page said.

The page said Foley maintained e-mail contact with him even after he started college and arranged a sexual liaison after the page had turned 18.

The third page interviewed by ABC News, a graduate of the 1998 page class, said Foley's instant messages began while he was a senior in high school.

"Foley would say he was sitting in his boxers and ask what I was wearing," the page said.

"It became more weird, and I stopped responding," the page said.

All three pages described similar instant message and e-mail patterns, with remarkably similar escalations of provocative questions.

"He didn't want to talk about politics," the page said. "He wanted to talk about sex or my penis," the page said.

The three new verbal accounts are in addition to two sets of sexually explicit instant messages provided to ABC News by former pages.

An online story on the Drudge Report Thursday claimed one set of the sexually explicit instant messages obtained by ABC News was part of a "prank" on the part of the former page, who reportedly says he goaded the congressman into writing the messages.

"This was no prank," said one of the three former pages who talked to ABC News today about his experience with the congressman.

Alex G

10/06/06 10:19 AM

#48064 RE: rollingrock #48014

see what happens when you listen to the CRAP that comes out of the mouth of Limbaugh and the nolib shit slingers

Page’s lawyer: Drudge’s story is “fiction.” Matt Drudge yesterday accused a former page of “goad[ing] Foley to type embarrassing comments.” The page’s lawyer calls the story “a piece of fiction,” and says “there is not any aspect of this matter that is a practical joke nor should anyone treat it that way.”


10/06/06 8:16 PM

#48184 RE: rollingrock #48014

rollingrock, this is turning out to be one helluva prank......

More pages recount 'sexual approaches' by Foley over Internet
Email this story | Print By AMIE PARNES

October 6, 2006

WASHINGTON — The list of accusers keeps growing longer.

Four more former congressional pages brought forward their own lurid accounts of their dealings with former Rep. Mark Foley on Thursday, less than a week after the congressman resigned from office.

Three pages — who served in the classes of 1998, 2000 and 2002 — recounted Foley's "sexual approaches" over the Internet, ABC News reported Thursday evening.

"I was seventeen years old and just returned to (my home state) when Foley began to e-mail me, asking if I had ever seen my page roommates naked ..." said one 2002 page, who did not want to be identified.

The former page said Foley had invited him to stay at his home near Capitol Hill if he would have sex with the congressman.

The page said he had been interviewed by the FBI.

Another former page revealed that Foley had visited the page dorms and asked pages if he could give them rides to events in his BMW.

But the solicitation reportedly didn't stop there. The page, part of the 2000 class, said Foley kept in touch with him with a steady stream of e-mails and arranged a sexual liaison after the page turned 18.

"His e-mails developed into sexually explicit conversations ..." the page said.

A third page, who was part of the 1998 class, said he began receiving instant messages from Foley when he was still a senior in high school.

"Foley would say he was sitting in his boxers and ask what I was wearing," the page said. "It became more weird, and I stopped responding."

In Atlanta, former page Tyson Vivyan, 26, said Foley sent him sexually suggestive messages a month or two after he left the page program in 1997.

"It was almost surreal," Vivyan said. "Not only was I conversing with a congressman in a personal manner, I was conversing in a sexual manner."

Many former pages say they knew about Foley's engaging, overly friendly personality.

"It was kind of known that he flirted with some of the male pages," said Jason Davis, who served as a page in 2000. "We joked about it but it was always on a low key."

Davis, 22, a recent West Point graduate, said Foley was an "extremely nice man," who was never light on flattery, often complimenting pages on their appearances.

The former page said he used to joke with one of his fellow classmates in particular.

"We used to tell him that Mark Foley was hitting on him," he said.

Brian Dugan of Scripps Howard Foundation Wire and The Associated Press contributed to this report.,2545,TCP_16736_5045831,00.html