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01/31/18 11:17 AM

#215148 RE: DaubersUP #215142

surely you jest.

they have proven nothing important yet they modulate p53- big woop lots of company there already with p53 modulation does it help patients??!? Gee I dunno Neither does Krishna, or Leo

do you honestly believe that it is game over now? If yes, what would market reaction be? Wouldn't the Boston Globe have headlines featuring kevetrin???!?

They are inching forward, but they are not anywhere close yet to victory

the conversation is not close to over


they have not even shown SAFETY at more frequent dosing C'mon pay attention


01/31/18 4:31 PM

#215238 RE: DaubersUP #215142

The oral preclinical results look good so far.

Can you point to those results for oral K, or just assuming they must be good? I probably missed something somewhere, and too lazy now to look it up.

I thought I heard they started preclinical tox about a year ago. Any update on that? I believe oral tox and other development is probably stalled, like a few other things that IPIX could pursue if they had more funds.