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08/31/03 6:13 PM

#16323 RE: excel #16322

Oh dear, anology time. I like to use anologies myself to illustrate a point, but unfortunately they never quite compare specifically...but here goes with yours :-)

Yes, the house you now live in is new. You may have some old furiture, some you like some perhaps not. Its the house and not the furiture that makes the declarature of where you live. Ok, what does that mean, the house is our business plan and the furniture are our directors of the company. We are no longer living at 3 D way and our house at Cu@ocx was distroyed by some old furniture that caught fired. We went to the furniture store to replace our lost furniture and were introduced to some furniture specifically designed for a high tech home ;-) We then bought them and Embarq'd into our new home.

We have a new business plan developed around new technology created by proven industry engineers. Some of the previous directors are the same but that doesn't make a bad company. Because they have moved around in their careers makes them all the more experienced. I do not keep my eyes closed a bit regarding this investment but I am letting Brad run with this and giving my vote of confidence until I see I do not like any possible new direction. Thats a personal decision we each make. Btw, if a baseball player moves to different teams does that make him less of a player? Sorry I did not address each comment line by line. Thats me.



08/31/03 9:07 PM

#16326 RE: excel #16322

BTW. Putting up Brads resume shows he has been in the industry. Yep. But I suggest you count the months he stayed at the same job. Anyone do that yet? Interesting.

I just got done counting all those "weeks" he stayed at his jobs.

He changes jobs as much as Jethro Bodine.