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01/30/18 3:17 PM

#276786 RE: fuagf #276784

Some Supporters Fear Trump Will Lose Hard Edge in State of Union Speech

"In Trump's State of the Union fact checkers will be busy soon. "


While some Trump supporters pine for a more strident tone, White House officials have signaled that
they are aiming for a more inclusive State of the Union speech. Credit Al Drago for The New York Times

WASHINGTON — “American carnage” appears to be out. Bipartisanship is in. And not everyone is happy about it.

When President Trump delivers his first State of the Union address on Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET, his most fervent supporters are anxious that he will squander the most high-profile moment of his presidency with a soft speech that bends more to the predilections of the political establishment in Washington and less to the populist army that sent him there to drain the swamp.

Mr. Trump has always veered between ideological extremes in his speeches: He railed against “American carnage” in his inaugural address last year, then gave a speech to a joint session of Congress a few weeks later that seemed restrained and conventional compared with the chaotic first weeks of his tenure. He has delivered partisan red meat at his campaign-style rallies, promising to rip up Nafta and demand better treatment for the United States around the world, but at a gathering of the globalist elite in Davos, Switzerland, last week, he spent most of his speech trumpeting the United States as a place to do business.

Stephen Miller, the president’s senior policy adviser, is in charge of writing this year’s address, which could foreshadow the inclusion of the kind of hard-edge, anti-immigrant language that was a hallmark of Mr. Miller’s speeches for Mr. Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign.


Instead, they say, it will be “optimistic,” though officials caution that the ultimate delivery of the speech — and whether it follows the script that will scroll through the teleprompter — is up to Mr. Trump.

Newt Gingrich, the former Republican House speaker who has advised Mr. Trump, said the president was shifting gears, eager to promote the booming economy and the enactment of his tax plan without combative language that could muddy his message.

“They’re moving a little bit from ‘Trump the fighter’ to ‘Trump the winner,’” Mr. Gingrich said Monday. “There’s more of a sense of, ‘Look, I’m the president of the United States. I don’t need to pick a fight.’”

While some of Mr. Trump’s advisers will pine for a darker and more strident tone from the president, White House officials say they are aiming for a more inclusive speech — in tone if not in substance. In addition to Mr. Miller, the speech has been put together with Vince Haley, another speechwriter, and Rob Porter, the president’s staff secretary, who coordinated input from other parts of the government.

Ah Newt.

Newt Broke Politics—Now He Wants Back In

The House speaker who made Congress dysfunctional is wriggling back into government by capitalizing on outrage over that very dysfunction.

John Minchillo / AP

Michelle Cottle Jul 14, 2016 Politics

Frenzied speculation about a presidential nominee’s V.P. choice has always struck me as overrated. It’s like scrambling to learn what a president will say in his State of the Union address: You’re going to know soon enough. Why the hysteria?

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That said, the fact that Newt Gingrich made it to the final round of Celebrity White House Apprentice—and that, even if he does lose out to Indiana Governor Mike Pence, he’s said to be under consideration for a top national-security position—leaves me breathless with awe and wonder. Whatever job the former speaker ultimately snags, that he is being considered for any crucial government post pretty much encapsulates the absurdity of these political times.

To clarify: The great irony here is not that Donald Trump may be trolling for gravitas by snuggling up to a guy who himself is the clown prince of politics. Sure, some consider it noteworthy that, in 1997, Gingrich became the first speaker reprimanded and sanctioned by the House (on a 395-to-28 vote) for an ethics violation. (He had claimed tax-exempt status for a college course run for political purposes then lied to investigators to cover his butt.) Admittedly, this was no small achievement. Partisanship notwithstanding, it’s exceedingly tough to get House members to spank one of their own. Still, these days the American public regards pretty much all politicians as ethically shady. So why pick on Newt?


All that and more (remember his tantrum over getting a bad seat on Air Force One?) helped make Gingrich a magnificent comic figure of the waning 20th century—and, come to think of it, a pretty good playmate for Trump, characterologically speaking. But what boggles the mind about Newt’s latest moment is not his personal foibles or his ethical slips or even his political ham-fistedness. The truly great irony is that, more than any other lawmaker of our times, Newt is the guy who screwed up Congress, turning it into the dysfunctional circus it is today. And now he is looking to slouch back into power on a wave of public rage over that very dysfunction.

See also:

[2009]FACT ... Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement That Shattered the Party
Max Blumenthal .. (Nation Books, $49.95) ..
Reviewed by Antony Loewenstein

Christian fundamentalists have taken over the Republican Party. “It’s become the party of birthers, deathers and Civil War re-enacters,” Max Blumenthal told the Los Angeles Times last month. Last year’s vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin – anti-abortion, pro-war, pro-torture, anti-Islam and evangelical – epitomised the new, radical America: parochial, intolerant yet homely. “She’s bright and a blank page,” said a former White House official working at the neo-conservative American Enterprise Institute. The world is aching to be ruled by Washington or at least controlled by it. This book explains the fears and power inherent in this ideology.
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01/31/18 11:42 PM

#276814 RE: fuagf #276784

During Obama's reign, it also was not unusual for some of the justices to not attend. The implication that this was the first time or significant is, well, misleading.