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01/30/18 10:59 AM

#32484 RE: doogdilinger #32483

Doog, its total BS. I have no clue what happened the other week when we popped, other than speculative china deal or just outright decided to cover. But one thing is for sure, its the same old game playing.

They probably covered expecting imminent breaking news on China and covered. when that didnt happen they started shorting it again. they only seem to be able to play this one way and that is down.

clearly, someone expected something else why the covering? The company put out a overall great PR and ever since its been slowly walked down. contrary to the news in the PR. so its just games.

only thing that will help us s a news event and then we pop. but, then it will be the same old games until the next news event. they never allow real value to be built in. sad really. so, we just wait.


01/30/18 11:01 AM

#32485 RE: doogdilinger #32483

Doog, i don't think the start of the catg 2&3 HAP studies will give a boost to this stock. A positive outcome of those will! So, next 6 months nothing from this front. But, of course there's more. I'm still waiting on the sideline for positive numbers. GL


02/05/18 2:42 PM

#32521 RE: doogdilinger #32483

Nothing we can do but wait for earnings and hopefully news that the FDA has granted IPCI a protocol meeting to approve their CAT 2 & 3 HAP studies for oral and nasal studies on their OxyContin NDA candidate.

I still find it strange how all the China stuff can get publicly disseminated with photos and fanfare on a Nigerian news feed but IPCI mgmt. in their infinite wisdom chose to not disclose any details on what Dr. Odidi's already set up in China in the most recent shareholder update PR.

Part of IPCI's ongoing market apathy problem is the fact that they continue to do a poor job at managing the FUD factors ever since last summers Rexista AdCom disaster.

If Dr. Odidi did in fact set up a new manufacturing company of some kind in May 2017 and then struck some sort of distribution deal with a Chinese company...why not take the time to ensure that there's no market confusion on what's in it for IPCI shareholders?

And as mentioned the other day in this post I'm replying to...the chart and technical indicators have definitely broken down with fiscal year end earnings probably slated for release sometime by/b4 the end of next week.

I'm guessing that revenues for 2017 will come in around $5.2M to $5.5M but would definitely be ecstatic if they came in closer to $6M. I'm just hoping that during the soon to be announced earnings Conference Call they see fit to tell us what the hell Dr. Odidi has got cooking in China and how he see it eventually benefitting IPCI shareholders. With the fear of another potential offering looming all the while the FDA doesn't grant approvals on Pristiq or Lamictal...and Mallinkrodt not showing any signs yet of being able to grow sales of SeroquelXR so far...the last thing this stock needs is foolish uncertainty on what that entire photo-op and news article disseminated on the Nigerian news portal entails. So hopefully at the very least mgmt. sees fit on the earnings CC to at least tell us why Dr. Odidi formed the Smart Pharmaceuticals manufacturing company and how he envisions any potential China deals benefitting IPCI and IPCI's s/h's.

Sadly this chart's gonna remain butt ugly until the next time the SAR flips to positive sigh>>>