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01/27/18 2:19 PM

#151465 RE: mary777 #151464

Mary, do you think after the financials, maybe in Feb the name change happens??


01/27/18 2:27 PM

#151467 RE: mary777 #151464

Thanks Mary. Well thought out and accurate assessment of ONCI.

What a great investment!!


01/27/18 2:55 PM

#151470 RE: mary777 #151464

Mary777, I have never met you but you are spot on....I love reading your posts. Onci Rock To The Top !


01/27/18 3:02 PM

#151472 RE: mary777 #151464

Mods I think this shld be stickied pls
Best post yet Mary. :-)


01/27/18 7:09 PM

#151488 RE: mary777 #151464

Except that he lies. Blatant Lies in PR's published, even you cant deny them. Only thing that keeps him from jail is the stock is not registered and he WONT use 8K's for info releases for obvious reasons.


01/27/18 10:37 PM

#151501 RE: mary777 #151464

Awesome post!


01/28/18 1:54 PM

#151565 RE: mary777 #151464

Why are people pumping this stock so hard and for so long? 90% of Steves goal are unaccomplished and 99% of what has been accomplished is unverified. 1 out of the 6 so-called arms of so-called Hexagon Holdings is operational. The other arms outlined don't even deserve a rebuttal they are so phony. Just for the record there are 24hr dentists and is there a line of people every night looking to get teeth pulled? that's about the only procedure that would be done in the middle of the night. And mobile dentists? how long till Steve has vans fully equipped with dental equipment and a dentist to boot, how much would that cost?. There isn't a MJ arm. Digital media? Is steve inventing the tech to read eyeballs along with some database storing info on everyone to pair people with specific ads? or it already exists in which case who cares. And the last arm is a surprise, yay! All we know for sure is it will enable all shareholders to buy a new house! What a joke. So many of Steves failures, or as some put it- broken promises, are self-inflicted wounds. The failure to meet self-imposed deadlines, like moving to Colorado or changing the name, have rightfully driven down the share price. Outrageous spin on pretend PR such as the hiring of dozens of new employees who are actually commission paid salesmen for hire that agree to peddle a product for a percentage fee. It shows what fools Steve takes shareholders for. The fact that he has people trying to sell a product for a fee that they couldn't care less about nor do they have to believe in the product shows how much Steve believes in it. Its more than obvious Steve views this as a get rich quick attempt and nothing more. It is infuriating and disgusting when a man deceives people out of their hard earned money for the sole purpose of having a good time and lining his and his friends pockets. What may be worse and certainly impossible to understand is why someone would help another person convince people to invest in an obvious lost cause, by helping spread this complete BS. Unless they are one of his friends or they are just plain stupid, i don't know.


01/28/18 10:08 PM

#151635 RE: mary777 #151464

Great post !

Auditors will have hard time completing audit process ??