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Replies to #278 on Bible (Bible)
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07/03/01 11:44 AM

#279 RE: Paule #278


It was the purpose of Satan and his fallen angels to corrupt the human race and thereby do away with pure Adamite stock through whom the seed of the woman should come. This would advert their own doom and make it possible for Satan and his kingdom to keep control of the planet earth indefinitely. It was said to Adam and Eve that the seed of the woman should defeat Satan and restore man's dominion (Gen. 3:15). The only way then, for Satan to avoid this predicted defeat was to corrupt the pure Adamite line so that the coming of the seed of the woman into the world would be made impossible. This, he tried to accomplish by sending some of his fallen angels to marry the daughters of men as in Gen. 6:1-4, and producing the giant nations through them.

There are two such eruptions of fallen angels taught in Gen. 6:4; There were giants in the earth in those days (before the flood); and also after that (after the flood), when the sons of God (fallen angels) came in unto the daughters of men (any daughters of men - Cain, Seth and others), and they bare children to them (to the angels).

Satan almost succeeded in his plan during the first eruption, "for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth." and of all the multitudes Noah and his sons were the only pure Adamites left to be preserved by the ark (Gen. 6:8-13; 1Pet. 3:19-20). The main object of the flood was to do away with all this satanic corruption, destroy the giants, and preserve the pure Adamite stock so as to make good the guarantee of the coming of the seed of the woman, as in the plan of God.

Being defeated before the flood did not stop Satan from making a futher attempt to prevent the coming of the Redeemer who should be his final downfall. It was now to his advantage that God had promised never to send another universal flood upon the earth. Satan therefore reasoned that he should make a second attempt to do away with Adamite stock. If he came within "eight souls" of doing it before the flood, his opportunities were now even greater, with the promise that there would be no such flood. This is the reason for the second group of his fallen angels being sent to marry the daughters of men. Once again, the unions produced giants, and races of them occupied the land of promise, where the seed should be born, in advance of Abraham. Limited by His promise of no flood, God was then faced with the problem of destroying the giant races another way.

This explains why He commanded Israel to kill them everyone, even to the last man, woman and child. This again explains why He destroyed all the men, women and children besides Noah and his family, at the time of the flood. It also answers the skeptics question regarding why the children were taken away with the adults in the flood. God had to do away with this corruption entirely in order to fulfill His eternal plan and give the world its promised Redeemer. The Redeemer has come now, and so Satan is reserving his forces for a last stand at the 2nd coming of Christ.

Thus it is clear from Scripture that there were giants in the earth both before and after the flood and that they came from a union of fallen angels and the daughters of men.


About The Author -ref: Pioneers Of Faith by Dr. Lester Sumrall
Born in 1902, Finis Jennings Dake was born again and baptized in water at seventeen. Until then, he had rejected Christianity because of what he thought were the hypocritical attitudes of the Christians he knew. However, he finally met some Christians who lived what they preached. Then he chose to surrender his life to the Lord.

He continued to cry out for a closer walk with God after being born again. Three months later, in May, 1920, Dake received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He described this as a "cool and rushing wind" flowing over his body and said it seemed that he could hear the fluttering of the wings of a dove.

Immediately, Dake said that he became aware of an ability he did not previously possess. He could quote Scripture verses by the hundreds, although he had read little of the Bible up to that time. This was a definite gift from God, as his wife testified to his poor memory in other matters!

In college, Dake made a vow to God that he would never teach one thing in private or in public that he could not prove by the Bible. He also vowed never to change what the Scripture says.

One night at a church in South Bend, to everyones amazement, he began to quote verbatim the entire book of Revelation from memory. With the congregation following line by line, they were amazed as he went straight through the entire book. At one point he smiled at the people and said, "Would you also like the punctuation?"

Dake authored several books, tracts, and pamphlets, although he is best known for his Dakes Annotated Reference Bible, first published in 1960. Together with his wife Dorothy, the notes for this Bible were compiled and edited over a seventeen year period.


Paule Walnuts