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01/25/18 11:14 AM

#214126 RE: DaubersUP #214082

Daubers, just recently we saw an article that connected mutated P 53 to aging issues, a $345 billion industry and George has posted a chart on more than one occasion showing that researchers believe diminished P 53 is tied to at least 20 additional medical conditions/ diseases. A successful P 53 drug would be the most valuable prescription in history.
Kevetrin already is showing a strong safety profile and positive Scientific proof. Though on a small scale thus far it appears to have a shot at cracking the P 53 code. The likes of Dr. Barbara A. Burtness, MD (Yale Univ Sch of Med) are watching closely. Just a short amount of time before the market wakes up to the potential here. The stock price will react violently upward with the right trigger.... A few more patients in the current trial showing definitive improvement in P 53? A successful oral formulation being achieved? (Either/both of these events could be released any day)
With everything IPIX has in the pipeline, all of which has been successful in clinical trials to date this is a must own stock!
Even the FUDers are covering shorts and loading up on shares.
There are days where they need to "churn" through a couple of hundred thound shares just to net 10 or 20 k real's a time consumming process/racket. Thats why they're so hard at work here.

Half of all cancers - combo therapies. Kevetrin. What if? Honestly! What if it works? How much?
I think 10's and 10's of Billions of Dollars.