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02/08/18 4:55 PM

#276977 RE: sortagreen #276659

Mattis: 'DREAMers' in military will not be deported

"3 days ago CHIP was on the table being used as a bargaining chip (ironic, I know)
In a couple of weeks it will not be... and DACA will.

Carolyn Kaster/AP


02/08/2018 04:11 PM EST

Undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children and serve in the military will not be deported even if current legal protections expire, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis announced today.

Mattis told reporters he spoke with Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen today to confirm that any so-called "DREAMers" on active duty or in the active reserves — as well as those who have signed papers to join but are waiting to go to boot camp — will not be subject to any kind of deportation.

Mattis’ promise of protection also extends to veterans who left the military with an honorable discharge.

“We would always stand by one of our people,” he said.

There are only two exceptions in which someone could be deported, Mattis noted: if he or she committed a serious felony, or if a federal judge signed a final order of deportation.

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, which provides renewable visas to those brought to the country illegally as children, will expire March 5 if Congress does not act.

Takes the benefits of being in the military to very real new heights for many.

The deal must only apply to those who have already signed to join.