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05/16/18 6:32 PM

#127124 RE: Sheepdog #124459

It's far more than 11 Billion. Don't forget Weenie Wayne's RS split of 1 for 300.

If what you say is true, FINRA knows Wayne made up shares. And, that may be the basis for denial of first R/S and future ones too. After one billion, may as well say truckload of shares. A very stinky pinky truckload..........


09/26/18 12:38 PM

#128533 RE: Sheepdog #124459

Perhaps in principle. But, in practice there are no more shares than what everyone knows the shares to be, only 11B shares of UNGS served. So people may not be scared away, can we agree that there not 1T shares of UNGS out there stuffed in mattresses.


12/24/20 1:46 PM

#133515 RE: Sheepdog #124459

UNGS claims they own a storage unit and opening a new one. Does anyone know if they ever post a profit/loss statement for the storage unit. Where is the money going?