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01/23/18 2:30 PM

#22434 RE: drobx #22433

A few hundred dollars is pocket change money. Your also in the guidelines to write it off on your taxes. So basically whooppeee!

PTSC $0.008


01/23/18 7:48 PM

#22436 RE: drobx #22433

A.Federal.court.right of AUTOMATIC. It is required whether or not there is any chance to win. Because an appeal was filed does not mean some great future for ptsc. The court they are appealing to is the same one they did last time which said that they felt their last appeal court ruling would not effect the outcome of the case (that is you lost at the district level and they felt their appeal would not change this outcome). I expect they will give this ptsc junk copycat tech a kick to the curb bit it will take 6mos to 1 yr of the usual legal back and forth. Sell the pop! In my opinion.


01/25/18 4:48 PM

#22437 RE: drobx #22433

I sold all from IRA account last week, 200k shares at a big loss. Have a bunch more in another account for even bigger loss, expensive lesson about penny stocks. On to