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01/21/18 1:27 PM

#368990 RE: underdog150 #368988

Does Ultraflix have surround sound or closed captioning yet?

I don't honestly know. The three people I asked to download it never could get it to work. I had to promise them if ultrasux borked their phones I would buy them new ones.


01/21/18 1:46 PM

#368991 RE: underdog150 #368988

But how about this math? 20 people full time may be able to code ultrasux ver.3.0 in nine months, but the principal and 4 people will be able to do it in 6 months? Slight convenient disconnect from reality to sucker in more 'investors'?
Apparently, the principal and pals fully intend to carry this sham deep into 2018.

I've lost total confidence in the SEC, nanosux doesn't rise to any importance or penalty return value for the SEC and Florida Boward courts are just sitting on their asses for over 3 months.
No wonder the principal feels invincible and above the law.
I threw up a little in the back of my throat reading this one.

It never ceases to amaze me how David is several steps ahead of the growth of 4K and all its aspects. The complexity and continually changes. Foley puts in 14-16 hours a day working along with building version 3.0. It will meet the demand of future streaming and beyond into 8K. For those who think 3.0 is delayed please realize that Ultraflix is a single code base and there are over 22 manufacturers chips sets they are dealing with. Technically in order to do this project properly David said it should have 20 people on it and he would give them 9 months to complete it. Presently he has himself and 4 other programmers working countless hours to build this platform. The good thing about this and I feel confident in his telling us that within the next 6 months we will see version 3.0 delivered and run as flawlessly as one could ask for given the complexity of this endeavor.


01/21/18 1:49 PM

#368992 RE: underdog150 #368988

The principal himself is revealing share vote information done at a closed private shareholder meeting on a open forum website.
Is that even legal?