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01/26/18 2:21 PM

#152 RE: Marty Byrd #150

Steve Nelson is an idiot, and manipulates people, I know quite a few. He will praise his winners yet when something like HCTI, SVLT, ALLM, to name a few of his tremendous picks, go south, then all of the sudden he sold the shares at right top, or better yet, he says it was meant to educate people. Do you know how many people followed him in SVLT??? he claimed himself that his followers had over 10mil shares in it, when the company was at .70 cents, he loved Mike and praised him and what a success this svlt will be. At least Mike a a con artist and does not pretend much, Steve Nelson will sell all the crap and when things go south he will tell: I sold it at top, or that he had a very small position, but when he has a lucky winner he will tell you 100 times about it, and how smart he is. Please don't tell me who he is, I know exactly who he is, and too bad he thinks of him as a trading GOD, and poor followers have to pay for it.