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01/19/18 9:45 AM

#70746 RE: RJB225 #70745

FLPC was only a Multi-Penny stock because their claim they Mined 1000 Tonnes of Ore (which in fact was Mined by Stockpile Reserves managed by none other than Don Nicholson. They were going to process, refine that Ore to Antimony quality. The Shareprice rose on expectation only and it only dropped way down because they never gotten around to Processing it, there was no Liberty Mill which was cancelled and they called a "Restructure", so hence the SP is where it is.

As previously mentioned, if they make an announcement that CLAIMS they will Mine and the Filings are released which by some 'fluke' prove positive, then the SP will rise and will be properly tradable. It will be short lived though, but with momentum and regular updates being the key to a stable share. They MUST be able to back up their claim with action, which of late has been non-existant, otherwise it will just drift back in to the doldrums as it is now.

We'll see what happens later.