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Dragon Lady

01/19/18 9:26 AM

#87325 RE: seamop #87324

Quote LOL, "Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, and many other NFL players have used stem cells.
Brady may play till he's 50 because of stem cell therapy.
Read this article about how Peyton Manning recovered from neck injury. "

LOL !!! SO ??????????

Uh...the ENTIRE FREAKING NFL has used and STILL USES... ILLEGAL STEROIDS and other ILLEGAL "PERFORMANCE ENHANCING DRUGS" (PEDS) too....all ILLEGAL....and it didn't suddenly make um "LEGAL" in the U.S.........???????????

SO WHAT if some "NFL PLAYER" had an illegal stem cell procedure done...what does that mean????

The FDA has finalized its position and is issuing WARNING LETTERS to "SVF stem cell clinics" such as USRM's which got ONE OF THE FIRST ONES and which comes prior to "other" further and more serious govt "ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS"...AND...the FDA already did a seizure in San Diego of an illegal clinic....and one of the first WARNING LETTERS of 2018 was issued by the FL FDA Field Office from the same "FDA Contact" listed in the USRM WARNING LTR and it was sent to ANOTHER STEM CLINIC that's a mirror image, near carbon copy of what Comella and USRM does and "claims" they can do with their supposed "30 protocols" bull "treat" supposed ALS, Alzeimers, Parkinson's, MS, COPD and on and on and on with ZERO scientific proof that anything they do even "works" let alone is "safe"....and done w/o ANY IND in-place or a FDA approval of any kind...and having ZERO clinical trials or actual "science" to support what they know...when NOT BLINDING PEOPLE via literally blowing their RETINAS OFF THEIR PRIOR WORKING EYEBALLS......

BIG DEAL...."NFL BALL PLAYERS" blah blah blah...they also smoke a ton of weed and take piles of pharma drugs...drink copious amounts of alcohol and "other" substances after every games....MEN'S MAGAZINE had an article about a "typical" 4 or 5 hour plane flight home for an NFL team, post an a "away game"...they have a dude on the plane they call "THE DOCTOR" who comes down the isle and issues AS MUCH AS THEY WANT of Xanax, Opiates...maybe a beer or two to wash it down..maybe some "other" pills that player likes...they then all put their headphones on and "zone out" STONED OUT OF THEIR F-ING entire article was done and the author was an NFL "insider" who had worked for a NFL team doing this illegal shit....

SO WHAT...just cause someone "does something" DOES NOT MAKE IT LEGAL...and the FDA has made it CRYSTAL CLEAR...."SVF" processed and used as Comella and USRM is "DOING IT" is a violation of NUMEROUS sections of the FOOD, DRUG & Cosmetic Act, aka FEDERAL LAWS...and there's gonna be consequences....VERY SERIOUS ones if they continue doing what they're doing....hell...I can buy illegal drugs at my local public park on any day of the week if I wanted....big deal....what does that mean....???????