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01/18/18 4:27 PM

#131638 RE: pens2bens #131637

Right. Because they wanted to complain to existing shareholders only. They don’t want to scare off potential new suckers, er I mean shareholders.


01/18/18 5:24 PM

#131639 RE: pens2bens #131637

Wew lad, they actually did.

The longer this drags on and the more stupidity I see from this company the more anxious I get about the "possibilities".

I can't believe Kim "Release One Watered Down PR a Year" Thompson had the audacity to throw the shareholders under the bus in the first place but to then go back and delete it?

I should have more to say but I don't, I'm speechless.


01/18/18 6:28 PM

#131641 RE: pens2bens #131637

****Warning**** It's Rather Lengthy****

seems to me from what I’m seeing on the website is that they took out the part AS a side note ?? i

you mean this:

As a side note

We have received an increasing number of comments from vendors and consultants who notified us that they are getting repetitive inquiries from people identifying themselves as Kraig Labs’ shareholders.

While we appreciate the passion that these shareholders have for the Company and our efforts, these calls are disruptive to our business relationships and, in one case, led to a valuable consultant terminating his relationship with us.

On more than one occasion, this has made us reluctant to reveal the names of business contacts, knowing that it may subject them to numerous inquiries. We understand and value your enthusiasm, but please understand that our vendors, consultants, and business contacts are not set up to handle Kraig Labs’ investor relations calls. They have expressed their frustration to us over these calls.

All of our consultants, vendors, and business contacts who have knowledge about some aspect of our business have signed non-disclosure agreements which legally prevent them from sharing information. Most of them have never received calls and emails of this nature before. We ask that our shareholders please respect the strain this placed on the Company’s business relationships. We would ask you to refrain from contacting persons with whom we have current or prospective relationships.

Kim doesn't really know if it's shareholders, people on the verge of buying shares, competitors of KBLB or whomever, trying to set KBLB further.

I've seen this with all too many companies that trade in the OTC and when I ask people why they do so, I get all types of answers.

In the OTC, there are so many games played and Kim is well aware of this.

To me, the "As a side note" piece came off a tad amateurish....

I look at it this way....

If shareholders are the problem, then try being more specific about projects and the like; for starters.

If it's a hedge fund group, comprised of shareholders, or competitors, there's really nothing he can do.


While we appreciate the passion that these shareholders have for the Company and our efforts, these calls are disruptive to our business relationships and, in one case, led to a valuable consultant terminating his relationship with us.

On more than one occasion, this has made us reluctant to reveal the names of business contacts, knowing that it may subject them to numerous inquiries. We understand and value your enthusiasm, but please understand that our vendors, consultants, and business contacts are not set up to handle Kraig Labs’ investor relations calls. They have expressed their frustration to us over these calls.

We ask that our shareholders please respect the strain this placed on the Company’s business relationships. We would ask you to refrain from contacting persons with whom we have current or prospective relationships.

As if it could ONLY be shareholders.....

Not even the decency to state that "We sincerely apologize to those shareholders who this doesn't refer to...." Or something of that nature.


In the first part of his addendum to the previous newsletter, conveys:

negotiations with high level government offices are often challenging, with multiple competing interests vying for influence. These challenges exist in any bureaucracy. Over the last twelve months, the Company, and its consultants in Vietnam, held a series of successful meetings with top officials within central government and provincial offices. Each of these meetings moved our project forward. This forward progress was not without contention from some individuals within the bureaucracy. That, as you can appreciate, is how governmental systems work.

There is opposition to KBLB doing business in Vietnam by some....

When I told Ben years ago, that this could very well be the case,Kim, I was told that KBLB's CEO said "he doesn't think so."

My how things change....

KBLB is presenting a potentially disruptive material and there are many additionally in the United States alone, that wish KBLB to fail....

But it couldn't be any of their people making inquiries.

It's ALL the shareholders fault.

All that tells me at the end of the day is more secrecy....

In the 2015 CC, it was "a company with screenshots" of KBLB, that was used as an example.

So you mean this was happening in 2016 and 2017??

If Kim wanted to continue secrecy, even though on two occasions stated otherwise....

Why not say so and be done with it? (rhetorical)

The way it reads is as if Kim is disappointed in his shareholders.....

I'm sorry to say Kim,many shareholders were disappointed in you much earlier and thought the Supervoting Rights had to do with the possibility of KBLB being sold in the near future....

From the latest addition to Spider Sense, you might as well count out 2018....

Was Kim thinking about those individuals that KBLB is seeking finance from?


Kim states in the beginning:

There have been a number of request for a supplement to the last issue of spider sense regarding our progress towards obtaining an enterprise registration certificate, or equivalent in Vietnam.

Certainly wasn't me.

Guess who will be blamed if either financing is delayed or Vietnam revokes consideration?

The very ones who Kim places the burden onto be as patient as possible....

While the large exchanges are reporting record numbers.

Sad but true.....

Something's not going right at KBLB, so let's blame the shareholders....

Though some have taken offense to it, it doesn't surprise me one bit.

If I didn't know any better, it has some of the earmarks of a "smoke and mirrors" diversion.

Blessings to All