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01/17/18 7:44 PM

#5002 RE: DezzyDazzler11 #5001

I'm right there with you Dezzy... and think we'll be glad to be long here. I doubled my position at .01 and avereaged up. I too hoped for gains by now but, if revs are even half as predicted, this thing goes bonkers. Here's to patiently waiting.... we will make our gains here IMHO.


01/17/18 11:02 PM

#5003 RE: DezzyDazzler11 #5001

“Won’t pull out until totally satisfied” is the same explanation I give for why I have two kids... :-)
We will be fine just need to remain patient. The bottom is in and she ain’t going up until news of production so all we can do in the meantime is remain patient.