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01/17/18 7:34 PM

#37983 RE: Elkay11 #37981

I agree, RMRK will be used for something & a strong possibility that it's used for CoinTracking IMO. CRCW initially paid $107k and continued to pay $1250 this past quarter on behalf of RMRK and also paid $1500 in trademark fees and purchased a bunch of computer equipment. Then they moved the official closing of RMRK which coincides with the CoinTracking acquisition. Today's PR gives strong support to RMRK IMO. $RMRK

Link to today's PR:;_ylc=X1MDMTE5Nzc4NDE4NQRfZXgDMQRfeXJpZAM5cnRoNjR0ZDV2cXBlBGcDZFhWcFpEeHVjejR5TURNMVpXWmxZaTFpWmpNd0xUTTRObUl0T0RObU55MWlNV1l5Wm1JMU5UbG1PRFYxZFdsa1BHNXpQa05TUTFjPQ0KBGxhbmcDZW4tVVMEb3JpZ19sYW5nA2VuBG9yaWdfcmVnaW9uA1VTBHBvcwMwBHJlZ2lvbgNVUwRzeW1ib2wDQ1JDVw--?.tsrc=applewf