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01/16/18 11:52 PM

#117704 RE: florida investor #117694

i wouldnt exactly count on it honestly. Im diversified into crypto and stocks. I keep each seperately. The money that exited in crypto (roughly 200 billion over the course of the week) I believe is a set up bc the first btc futures expire tomorrow so people may be selling bc of fear of that or it is being set up by big money. I have no exited my position and I know many people pull out to wait for the bottom to hit to buy back in. Not saying the MJ market isnt fire right now, but crypto is not dead by any means and not going anywhere. I myself made a nice 22% gain in 2 hrs trading that bounce today on LTC. I know many others taking advantage of it as well, then when it settles the price will be a steal and good for a long term hold.