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01/16/18 2:28 PM

#18362 RE: gtheman #18361

Many here have said TMPS had no exposure on this lawsuit. What gives? On the face of it, a $9M judgement would pre-empt "The Johan" from taking control in April 2018. And, potentially necessitate a poison pill defense on "The Johan's" claim through BK. Why is TMPS so silent on this? Is TMPS gagged? Former BOD laughing their aces off.


01/16/18 3:45 PM

#18365 RE: gtheman #18361

Please explain what does this have to do with $TMPS Tempus Applied Solutions? If anyone does not know the difference they should not be investing in TMPS.

Scott Terry & Gulbin answer is due for a potential $9,500,000 judgment on the pleadings.

Greensill Capital (UK) Limited v. Tempus Intermediate Holdings, LLC et al
Arenda L. Wright Allen, presiding
Lawrence R. Leonard, referral
Date filed: 10/13/2017
Date of last filing: 01/02/2018