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01/16/18 7:35 AM

#124090 RE: SPecPrototype #124086

News on UNGS Greater Cannabis “Grow facilities” and “Delivery” would be nice.

Any more Bread Crumbs to follow beside mergers or Acquisitions we already know about?
I'm expecting some UNGS news before months end.
Will we see another UNGS news day Tuesday today?
Looks like UNGS is on the B.O.B. again!
All eyes waiting on UNGS News.
W.o.W Waiting on Wayne!


01/16/18 7:24 PM

#124115 RE: SPecPrototype #124086

Woot! will UNGS repeat that .0001 to .0089 run many caught in 2014.
All anyone has to do is look at UNGS history and see the Runs that we Slew.
I only caught triples last year this we knew...
With all of the divvies...
and Big Deals thats for real...
2018 should take us UNGSTERS over the Hill...
Ole Doc Anderson has taught us all how to share...
Which gives naked short a shivering Scare..
They'll have to cover before Divvy day...
Or get trapped with another divvy bill to pay!
Some say it's just MM's making a market but they have been Naked shorting UNGS for Months and Not filling my Buy orders timely.
Many times I've had to call my broker after waiting for orders to fill all day and make them Squeeze the MM to fill my orders.
The question is Why if theres Shares for Sell?