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10/04/06 10:15 AM

#108004 RE: bleah #107927

Well Bleah, your actions are strangly familiar to those that left at 1.05, and starting heavily convincing people that ...sorta...trusted them into selling. TXPrincess is one of them, almost everyone knows her on here. She had a huge position in CSHD and I think she sold in the .80 range. Shortly after it climbed to 1.00 and hung there FOREVER. VERY STABLE for a penny stock. Idon't care WHAT they do in penny land, they just have to make me money.
Hell look at ACTC - GREAT invention that might save us all from a horrible painful death, yet their stock did NOTHING. It's all about perspective. Yet, ACTC had the PRESIDENT OF THE COUNTRY talk about it. What better PR? News ALL OVER about it. Yet, it turned to crap quickly.

So anyway, sorry if I was a bit harsh. Just sick of inflationary bashers of CSHD. They came on a bus I think because I've NEVER seen those people EVER, yet now suddenly they are experts.

My freaking neighbor comes running over with a post from some idiot that 'sounds sensible' about how this stock is going to CRASH from one of these bashers that noone hears from until just recently, and if you look at his history, it's nothing but whines of holding an empty bag and bashes.
THE FUNNY THING IS, this was THE DAY before it went to $4.00. I almost had to pull his pudgey little fingers off of the sell button. Now he is walking around with a BIG STUPID grin on his face.

Scam . Fine. I'll take AS MANY 800% profit scams as I can get as long as I am not the one doing the scamming. If that is the case.

Like I said, I don't give ONE CRAP what the company does that I invest in (short of harvesting kidney's from unsuspecting victims). As long as it is making me $$$$$$$, that's what I am here for.

As for you, I have NO suggestion for you. TOO volitile at this point imho. Could go up, could go down. One thing is for sure, if you start seeing jumps of .10 every minute, that's a good sign that you should get in QUICK if you caught it early enough because THAT DAY ALONE could realize someone a nice profit.

Anyway . Happy trading. Hope we all make money in the building business on this one too!