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01/14/18 1:06 PM

#84980 RE: @realToothFairy #84979

Well, most innocent people claim innocence, so...

And his prior conviction for racketeering, income tax evasion, currency violations, smuggling and engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise... Bruce plead guilty.

Don't think the guy wants to go back to the slammer, or be in a position that would keep him away from precious kids and grandkids. Most of all, being HEMP INC's largest shareholder, it is not in Bruce's interest to devalue his stock by engaging in fraudulent activity, putting at risk everything he's worked towards.

Absolutely meaningless!,
Most criminals claim innocence!!

Not meaningless.

The question was:

How can you verify with certainly HEMP insiders aren't selling shares?

The answer is:

Personal statements on court record and social media from the two key players under investigation verify personal accounts for insiders have been frozen, therefore "insiders" are unable to sell personal shares. If they both are claiming their accounts are frozen, yet have somehow been selling personal shares all this time, they will face even more charges for obstruction of justice, wire fraud, and probably more. I kinda get the feeling the SEC could easily verify whether those accounts have, indeed, been frozen, as the agency was most likely directly responsible for the bar on activity.

The SEC's case rest solely on being able to define Epling as an "Affiliate" to Hemp Inc. As Affiliate, Epling would have to have some actual, real degree of "control" over Hemp Inc, which he had none, ever. If anyone would care to show with documentation exactly how much control Epling had at Hemp Inc, and at what time, they would effectively done what the SEC cannot do and win the case for the SEC... but not even the SEC can show control. Epling may have extended advice at times, while also doing some tasks here and there as outlined under his consulting agreement, but he was never able to take executive action on his own, without the complete discretion of CEO or other officers of HEMP INC. FURTHERMORE, even if the SEC can somehow SPIN their way into labeling Epling as Affiliate, they need to identify which trades are in question, when they took place, and to what extent. EVEN MORE, if they have completely identified every last trade made between 2011 and 2014, there are still certain requirements and conditions that would allow Epling to sell shares, which he even admits to doing, on court record.

Epling has not plead guilt. Perlowin has not plead guilt. Multi defendants have already settled consent decree. The SEC threw a flaming hail mary, with just under 2 months remaining on their 5 year window to press charges. The SEC's official investigation has extended well beyond when the charges were initially filed, now approaching 2 years ago, and they haven't gotten far at all. They didn't have a case when the complaint was filed, and they've been frantically looking for what, if anything, they can get to stick against the defending parties. SEC wants to look good, and Perlowin is low hanging fruit with a FED that appears obsessed on tagging and bagging a guy that enjoys cannabis (something the FED is at "war" with).

Court records are open to the public. Anyone can come to their own conclusions, rather than go on the DPGC crew Spin-a-thon.