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01/12/18 4:19 PM

#276760 RE: Lindel #276757

So, AGMs are intended to only be sold, is there an AGM leasing program?


01/12/18 4:25 PM

#276762 RE: Lindel #276757

What happened with the Track X deal?

What happened with the American Green Expess App?

Why didnt Herbal Elements ever change their name like your PR?

Why did you PR about openeing a dispensary and never did it?

Why did you PR about Calyptic and the 1000lb harvests and never do anything with it?

What about the 10 new locations for PRE - rolls? Why when we called them they have never heard of American Green?

Why did you forcast to be profitable in 16'? And still lose millions?

Why did you PR your products are for sale in Oregon if their not?

What happened to the concentrate facilty in Colorado?

What happened to the Grow Raptor?

What happened to Jurassic Water?

Why did you PR you acquired OG TEA when it never happened?

Why did you PR you acquired Truth lighting when it never happened?

What happened to the Medical Marijuana Research facility you were going to open new Hermet?

Why did you never get any money for that 3.5 Million one bode sale you Pr'ed?

Why did you PR about adding 1500 Zazzz with Future world if it wasnt going to happen?

That's why i'm pissed off Stephen, please don't call me anymore. Make it right.